Iowa City Area Craft Guild Weaving Programs 2024-2025
Iowa City Area Craft Guild Weaving Programs 2024-2025 September - Scandinavian Weaving We Learned at Vesterheim Presented by Cathy Willoughby, Lucy Hansen, John Ward, and Linda Bergquist Introduction to the Vesterheim Folk Art School and an overview of two great Vesterheim workshops we attended: Telemarksteppe and Patterns within Patterns. Telemarksteppe is a three block overshot that originated in Norway. Patterns Within Patterns was a class on an interesting variation on Monks Belt with inlay. October - Let’s go to Portugal! Presented by Monica Correira Monica will share her wonderful trip to Portugal and all the weaving inspiration she found there. November - Krokbragd Presented by Deb Zeitler, Bev Pernell, Lucy Hansen, Cathy Willoughby, Linda Bergquist, John Ward, and Nita Schmidt What have those Krokbragd people been up to upstairs anyway? They will present an overview of Krokbragd, a weft faced Norwegian weaving structure, and an update on the group rug weaving pr