Playing Poker...Spinner Style

Last fall, the spinners were given the challenge: To Play Fiber Poker.  Hmmm, doesn't  sound much like a spinner's activity, but perhaps times were desperate. It was a really long winter.

Fiber Polka is played with cards, but these are not ordinary cards. There are five categories, fiber, color, texture, add-in and use. Each spinner draws one card from each category, this becomes her\his poker hand. Thus, the challenge is: "Just what do you do with your hand". For example, Julianna drew cotton, red, knitted, tassel, jewelry.  How do you think she did...

Julianna...cotton, red, knitted, tassel, jewelry

 Check out some of the others.

Melissa...Angora, blue, bumpy, ribbon, mittens

Stephanie...Angora, green, soft, beads, needlework

Linda...Angora, white, knitted, Angora, Scarf

Jeanne...fine wool, gray, fuzzy, mohair, rug
Wendy...Llama, purple, firm, beads, doily
Lucy...cotton, green, crochet, beads,  socks
Betty...Silk, white, woven, tassel, socks
Terry's Hand...Silk, white, crochet, ribbon, vest

Grace...fine wool, purple, smooth, beads, shawl

And there were a couple that although unique, my camera choose not to save them.  The missing hands were Wanda's mohair, purple, woven, tassel and doily/rug; Anna's mohair, red, firm, buttons, bag/purse (an I-pad sleeve).  It never ceases to amaze me...the depth of the creativity and insight when given a challenge...Well done, challenge met.
Jill's Hand...Coarse wool, green, knitted, angora, Mittens
Jackie's hand...mohair, yellow, soft, mohair,  mittens


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