Weavings on A Winter Night

Thanksgiving was just around the corner, the turkey in the refrigerator thawing, the family already beginning to arrive, and yet...the weavers found time to gather and share another moment of their weaving experience...MidWest Weavers Conference. With tips learned during those classes, much of show and tell was gifts for Christmas/Hanukkah yet to be.

Towels to be Hemmed
A Mother's Scarf 

 A Blanket against the Chill

The weavers do not meet in December…I think that's just so we get all our projects completed.  But I know there is always weaving afoot, just like the mouse runs up the clock,  with a hickory dickory dock…so too, the weaver treadles the loom going clickety,  clackery,  clock.  Happiest of Days to one and all.


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