Oh, My, what a Summer.

Summer's come and gone. I know as we age time flies, but at this rate, I must be 100. It has been a remarkable summer for the Craft Guild. We celebrated our 75th year of creativity in May.

Bev, Mary, Cathy, Linda, Stephanie and Anna provided Children's activities for the Summer Arts Festival in early June for more than 250 children. Nothing like the excitement in a child's eyes to know why we do what we do.

Stephanie and several other spinners demonstrated spinning at Kalona's summer fest.

Later in the month, our members attended the Midwest Weavers and Spinners Conference in Minneapolis, attending classes and exhibiting their creative talents.
Vicki Tardy won the Complex Weavers Award at Midwest.

At MidWest, Vicki won Best of Show; and Members' Choice
and At the State Fair, it was awarded Best of Show as well as a blue ribbon for garments, handwoven. 

In August, the Spinners and the Weavers showcased their work at the Coralville Library.
 Spinner's Kiosk

 Weaver's Exhibit

And of course, there was the Sate Fair. There were 39 entries from our guild; many blue, red, and white ribbons were earned.  (See the State Fair)

Our Guild has creative members who share those talents by providing classes in Ply-split Braiding, Spinning, Weaving. At many of the groups' meetings, there are also programs geared toward learning new techniques and exciting its members toward new experiences. Come check us out.

And now as the colors change, we begin to think about all those winter projects. Hmmm, do I hear my loom calling RUG, RUG, RUG.


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