Spinners to Host Iowa Federation Meeting
Although the wheels were spinning, so were the minds of those present at the last spinners meeting. Our guild is hosting the Spring meeting of the Iowa Federation of Handweavers and Spinners; it's the 50th Anniversary. The planners are definitely in high gear refining the committees, classes, volunteers and just about everything necessary to organize the upcoming federation event. Spring will not only bring the daffodils and shearing, but also members from throughout the state will converge on the Johnson County Fairgrounds. So mark those calendars, and plan to have a fun day. And better yet, call Trish Turner to volunteer to help.
Craft Guild of Iowa City to Host
Iowa Federation Spring 2011 - 50th Anniversary Meeting
April 30, 2011
Johnson County Fairgrounds, Riverside Drive, Iowa City, IA
Craft Guild of Iowa City to Host
Iowa Federation Spring 2011 - 50th Anniversary Meeting
April 30, 2011
Johnson County Fairgrounds, Riverside Drive, Iowa City, IA
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